TSC Triathletes Dabble in Road Running at the Fall Classic

You know what they say: “Jack of all trades, master of none”. Jokes, we had some category placing performances!
This past weekend our athletes went out to run the Fall Classic on UBC home turf. We had a couple in each the 5km, 10km, and Half Marathon distances. Quite the dynamic range, just as dynamic as some of our roster members for the coming season.

Left to right: Rocio Hollman, Jaron Percy, Ethan White, Tom Watson, Will Kemp, Jonathan Chan, Olivia Vihant

We had some sub 20s in the 5k, Will, Jaron, and Ethan respectively getting 17:56, 18:43, and 19:27. I understand that there is some amount friendly competition between them?
Long-distance veteran Olivia Vihant scored a speedy 40:52 on the 10k, earning her a category 3rd.
Returning member, Tom Watson earned a category 5th in the 10k with a 36:05.
Fantastic weather overall. Real sunny. No rain -no buckets of water for shoes. At about 12°C, perhaps even little hot for PBs.