A group shot of the two Canadian teams— UVic and UBC
Peter Wenner Rainbow Invite
To kick off the term, 10 sailors flew out to Honolulu to participate in the annual Peter Wenner Rainbow Invite hosted by the University of Hawaii. It was a great escape from the overcast and rainy Vancouver winter, and the team made sure to soak up the sun and make the most of the weekend. Thank you to the family of Lauren Wittkopft for sharing their home with everyone for the weekend!

From left to right: Nicolai Blasdel, Zelda Ladefoged, and Louise King
Jeff Mixdorf Team Race
The first in-conference regatta of the season was a chilly one… Zelda Ladefoged (’22), Nicolai Blasdel (’22), Louise King (’22), and Lauren Wittkopf (’22) headed down to Bellingham for a combination clinic/regatta to hone their team racing skills. Despite the unexpected snow and chilly conditions, they were able to learn a lot and had a wonderful time.

From left to right: Sean, Elmeri, and Erez working on the FJ fleet
Fleet Repair
With an early sunset and cold temperatures, the team has been using their practice time to take care of our fleet. Thanks many hands and the expertise of veteran teammates, the boats are in good shape for upcoming practices and our annual Sea to Sky regatta in March.