Ten Tips for Studying at Home

As we transition into this new study from home environment and prepare for upcoming exams, it is important that we maintain productive habits to enable us to thrive. Here are ten tips to make the most of your study time at home:

1. Prepare for the day as if you were leaving the house

As great as pajama day every day sounds, it’s hard to remind ourselves

that our day has started if we don’t maintain a regular routine. Get dressed,

eat breakfast, and grab a coffee just like you normally would!



2. Designate a space solely for studying

Set up an environment in the home that is conducive for studying. Try to 

remove all distractions. Keep the area free of clutter, and only use the space

when you have every intention of being productive!



3. Make sure your study space has good lighting

With all of the extra time we are spending on our computers, it is important 

that our study space is well lit so we can reduce strain on our eyes. If it is too 

dark, you also may start to feel sleepy. Try to incorporate sunlight if possible!



4. Avoid studying in relaxation zones

Just as your study space should only be used for studying, places in the home 

where you go to unwind should not become places to get work done. Your bed

and your couch are sacred; give them the respect they deserve!



5. Keep a schedule

It is easy to lose track of assignments, miss lectures, or get carried away doing

chores when you are studying at home. Create a schedule that you adhere to, and

hold yourself accountable so you don’t fall behind.



6. Don’t skip lectures

Even if your lectures are recorded, skipping lectures is a slippery slope. As soon

as you skip one, you tell yourself you’ll catch up later… and then finals hit, and

later quickly becomes never.  



7. Keep your phone in a different room

If your phone isn’t with you, you won’t see your Among Us group chat

blowing up. Keeping your phone in a different room will improve your focus,

and your retention.



8. Turn notifications off on your computer

Close any non-course related tabs, and set your settings to do not disturb on your

computer. If you are a chronic Facebook checker when lectures get dull, you can

even turn on a website blocker so the temptation is gone.



9. Take breaks often

Allow yourself 5-10 minutes every hour to stretch, top off the coffee, or squeeze in

a quick movement break. Taking breaks will help you to focus for longer periods

of time, and allow your brain some processing time.



10. Practice self-care

Now more than ever, make sure you are listening to your body, and honouring how

you feel. If you need a day, take a day. If you need a break, take a break. Get the help

you need, reach out to loved ones, and just try your best.