Canadian University Virtual Triathlon Series
In February, our team competed in the first set of races for the Canadian University Virtual Triathlon Series. These races were organized by Queen’s University Triathlon for student athletes across Canada. Athletes raced by doing their own individual time trials and submitted those results virtually. Based on the individual times, schools were then awarded points. Currently, our team sits in third place! Stay tuned to see how our athletes do in the subsequent races!

Rankings after race #1
Strava Art Contest
Our team recently held a Strava art contest. We took the top 4 submissions and put them on our social media so that our followers can vote for their favourite. Although all the submissions were amazing, the winner of our Strava Art contest was Shaun and her peacock submission!

Top 4 submissions from our Strava art contest
Resuming Team Swim Practices
For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been back in the pool with our swim coach Jaren! Our 21 and under athletes are following COVID protocols and are able to swim as a group again. In addition, we’ve been doing private one-on-one coaching for our over-21 athletes who are not swimming as a group. We’re really excited to head into the final part of the semester with a splash!

Resuming swim practices with our coach, Jaren
Valentine’s Day
Our club execs took the time this Valentine’s Day to make cards and send them to our athletes with love!

Making Valentine’s cards for our athletes
February Athlete of the Month
Our February Athlete of the Month is Doria Unrau! Doria recently represented UBC TSC Triathlon for the first time during the Queen’s University Virtual Triathlon! Doria had an outstanding performance at the event, posting the fastest 5k run time overall for women (with a 30-second personal best), and earned bronze in the Women’s Sprint Duathlon! She also helped our team to a 3rd place overall finish in the event! Congrats Doria!

February Athlete of the Month: Doria