Meet the Quidditch Execs!

The TSC Quidditch execs have been hard at work this year, preparing online activities, organizing houses, and finding ways for our team to stay connected, even if we can’t see each other in person. But just who are these mysterious execs anyways? We thought it’s about time to introduce them, so we conducted a survey to find out a little more about everyone. Without further ado, let us introduce the TSC Quidditch exec team for 2020-2021:


Fundraising Officer:

  • Name: Hannah Illing
  • Year and Major: I’m in my second year in Forensics and Biochemistry
  • Favourite Colour: Green
  • If You Had to Be Stuck in the Universe of One Movie, Which One Would It Be, and Why? It would be fun to be in the Toy Story universe. At first it would be strange if toys started talking to you but after a while it would be kind of cool! It would also be amazing if I suddenly became an animation 😆


Club Lead:

  • Name: Christian Spence
  • Year and Major: 4, Chemical Engineering
  • Favourite Colour: Orange
  • If You Had to Be Stuck in the Universe of One Movie, Which One Would It Be, and Why? Probably Percy Jackson or Deltora Quest
  • Extra Fun Fact: My favourite animal is a snake


Finance Officer:

  • Name: Wesley Cassidy
  • Year and Major: 3rd year Engineering Physics
  • Favourite Colour: Green
  • If You Had to Be Stuck in the Universe of One Movie, Which One Would It Be, and Why?Star Wars (I wanna go to space!) – or maybe any modern rom-com? They’re set in the “real world”, which mean stable governments and flush toilets, and so on, which I appreciate in my life. I’d definitely get murdered really fast in Lord of the Rings, so that’s out – also, see above on flush toilets. Harry Potter would be nice if for no other reason than access to teleportation.
  • Extra Fun Fact: In an average week me and my family go through around 30 teabags.


Marcom Officer:    

  • Name: Paisley McKenzie
  • Year and Major: I’m in my 3rd year of a history and linguistics double-major
  • Favourite Colour: Blue
  • If You Had to Be Stuck in the Universe of One Movie, Which One Would It Be, and Why? I’d probably want to be stuck in the Lord of the Rings universe, because even though there is the possibility of being hit with an arrow, there is also the possibility of seeing some truly amazing forests, and I think that could be worth the risk
  • Extra Fun Fact: At the end of the American Revolution, the retreating British soldiers left a British flag atop a flagpole in New York, and it was only when the American soldiers attempted to climb the pole to get it down, they realized that the British had pranked them by coating the pole in oil. I just thought you ought to know that.


Travel and Safety Officer:

  • Name: Natália Oliveira Ferreira
  • Year and Major: 4th year Linguistics
  • Favourite Colour: Blue!
  • If You Had to Be Stuck in the Universe of One Movie, Which One Would It Be, and Why? How to train your dragon (2)! How cool would it be to live amongst dragons and have a friendly relationship with them!? I tell you: Amazing!
  • Extra Fun Fact: You know, you don’t need to be a Harry Potter fan to play quidditch 😉