Goodbye Showers, Hello Flowers! Moving Your Workout Outside

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Spring 2021 has sprung UBC! Hopefully, wherever you are in the world, the weather is treating you well and you’re able to take some time and step away from schoolwork to move your body and nourish your soul with the added benefits of some fresh air and sunshine! We know you’re all busy bees out there that might be much easier said than done, so consider this article your unofficial guide to reaping both the benefits of daily movement and the great outdoors. Read on for four ways that you can get your body moving outside!


Swing, Sprint and Sweat in the Sun

For anyone looking to both get outside, get sweaty, and get connected with your friends and peers, now is a great time to try out some outdoor sports (in a pandemic-precautionary way of course!). For example, basketball courts and soccer fields are available all over campus and surely can be found around schools all over the world. Vancouver also has a plethora of public outdoor tennis courts available in residential areas. Get outside and relive the epic highs and lows of your high-school athletic experiences, or just bond over trying something new together with friends!


HIIT the Yard

A super-easy and highly convenient way to get active outside is just to move your typical workout activities to any outdoor space. Whether you’ve subscribed to a local studio’s virtual class system or you just have a couple of favourite Youtube fitness gurus, you can easily take your HIIT, pilates, or yoga class outdoors. Grab your mat and find a deck space, patch of pavement, or grassy field and get to work!


Try out Cooler Cardio

No matter your preferred way to get your heart pounding and blood pumping in the gym, there’s almost always a matching activity that you do can take on outside the walls of the ARC, BirdCoop, or your other favourite local fitness facilities. Whether you prefer to run, walk, bike, swim, or even absolutely punish yourself on the Stairmaster, take your chosen activity to the streets, sea, or set of stairs like the Grouse Grind and fill your lungs with some fresh air.


Take a Hike!

For those of you looking to kill some weekend time (or weekday time – to each student their own online learning schedule!), get off your screen and off the grid by taking a hike. Whether you’re a casual day-hiker or a seriously seasoned outdoor adventurer, getting away from the city and into nature is sure to improve your mood and your health. Spend some time getting to know the natural world wherever you are while working on both your cardiovascular health and strength!

Not able to get outside? No problem! We encourage you to check out our Get Active at Home page for lots of great ideas for how you can stay active within the comforts of your own home!