How to get involved in Intramural Leagues this fall!

One of the best ways to get involved in campus life is through UBC Recreation Intramurals League Sports! This popular league programming is making its triumphant return this fall with six leagues of play. Starting on September 27th, students will be able to play in any or all of the teams, either on a team with their friends and colleagues, or as an individual in a free agent team!

The six leagues on offer for the 2021 season are the Cross Volleyball League, the Nitobe Basketball League, Todd Ice Hockey, Handley Cup Soccer, the Dodgeball league and the Ultimate League. Each league offers multiple levels of play, ranging from Just for Fun or beginner level competition (Tier 2 or 3), to higher and more competitive levels (Tier 1). Officials or staff will be on hand to make sure that game rules are enforced and that participants are safe at all times. All leagues also offer different gender-based league types to make sure you are able to play with and against the people you want to participate with. Our options include Mixed, which has set numbers of self-identifying males and females on the surface of play at one time; our Open category which is open to all genders; or our W2STGN (Women, 2-Spirit, Trans, Gender Non-Conforming) leagues. For more information on the Intramurals Participation Structure visit here.

Are you keen to join a league team? There are two ways to get involved this year!

Students can either register:

  1. As a formed team or
  2. As a free agent

To join a free agent team, you will need to register in one of the free agent offerings. Once you are registered, you will be placed in a group of participants just like you. Voila! You have a team for the upcoming intramurals leagues season. There are also multiple teams per league to ensure if you want to register with a friend, you will be on that team with them. Be sure to join the Free Agent Facebook Group to meet others looking for a team!

Registration for volleyball, basketball, ice hockey, dodgeball and ultimate closes on Tuesday, September 21st at 11:59PM. For soccer the registration deadline is Monday, September 27th at 11:59PM.

To register your team or to sign up as a free agent, make sure you set up your Recreation login first, and then sign up for any and all of the leagues you wish to play in this fall!

If you have any other questions or need more information, email or give us a call at 604-822-9052.