UBC TSC Women’s Ultimate Coaches Announcement

After a long break from college ultimate, we are excited to say that we are back and ready to dive headfirst into this upcoming season! With tryouts quickly approaching, we are thrilled to announce our two upcoming coaches for the 2021-2022 year!

Photo Credit: Traffic Ultimate

Our head coach this year will be Jennifer Kwok! Jennifer has an impressive resume as she has played competitively for over 20 years, playing on teams like Traffic (Vancouver Women’s Team), Team Canada and has been a member of the World Games team. Jennifer brings a plethora of frisbee experience and wisdom, and we are ecstatic to be under her guidance this year. This will be her 3rd year coaching the Women’s Thunderbirds team, and we are beyond excited to have her again.

Photo Credit: 2017 Eye to Ngai Photography All Rights Reserved

Our assistant coach this year will be Jaimie Clay! Her frisbee experience includes playing on the Traffic Vancouver Women’s Team, the Team Canada Masters team and being a veteran of the sport as she has been playing since 2004. This will be Jaimie’s first year of coaching with UBC Women’s Thunderbird team and we hope to make it a memorable one!

The dynamic duo of Jennifer and Jaimie complement each other well, as Jennifer loves the offensive side, while Jaimie always prefers the defensive side of ultimate frisbee. Long-term friends and now coaching together for the first time, we are beyond excited to have them for this season.

We cannot wait to see you at open practices or tryouts! If you have any questions or want to stay updated with everything that is going on, feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook Group or Instagram page.