Woof! My name is Buckley and you may have seen me on UBC Recreation Puppy Walks, a wellbeing walk series hosted by the Move U Crew. Summer is my favourite season, so let me share my tips on ways to stay happy and healthy during the hot months!
1. Go Explore!
I love exploring new and old places and having plenty of adventures, I recommend checking out some of these Beaches in Sam’s blog post.
2. Lounge in the sun!
There’s nothing like the feeling of warm sun on your fur, am I right? Chelsea from the Move U Crew reminds me of some sun essentials for outdoor activity such as sunscreen!
3. Stay Hydrated!
And nourished! Although I prefer kibble, you might enjoy one of Abisheks famous smoothies, click here for a mixed berry smoothie recipe.
4. Play Sports and Hang Out with Friends!
These two go paw in paw since sports are so fun to play with friends! Ever heard of Moves on MacInnes? It’s an awesome initiative that UBC Rec offers to provide you with fun games and equipment to make the most out of those sunny days on the field! Check out Ryan’s reel about all the different sports or take Sahar’s quiz to see which activity you should try next on the MacInnes Field.
5. Go on a Walk!
The word “walk” brings me so much joy! My buddy Ryan from the Move U Crew wrote a great blog on different Routes to Run, Walk and Roll around UBC!
My last word of advice is to stop and smell the flowers! Remember to enjoy life and take a second to reflect on the moment! Summer can fly by so be sure to appreciate its beauty. I hope you enjoyed these little tips (with the help of the Move U Crew) for summer wellness, woof woof!