5 Ways to Move with Friends

Movement is always more fun with a friend! Thankfully, UBC Recreation offers opportunities where you can engage in exercise and participate with your pals.



1. Sign up for a Wellbeing Walk together

Wellbeing Walks are FREE, themed walks at lunchtime that are guided by the Move U Crew twice a month at the UBC Vancouver Campus. From a Pacific Museum of Earth Tour, Museum of Anthropology,  to a Scavenger Hunt, there are lots of cool walks in store this year that can help you and your friends get your steps in and learn what campus has to offer!




2. Select an activity with Moves on MacInnes

Moves on MacInnes is a new initiative where UBC students can borrow sports equipment to be used on MacInnes Field for FREE in exchange for a piece of ID at the SRC front desk. To name a few, you and your friends can borrow frisbees, Spikeball sets, soccer balls, pop-up soccer nets, and even a game of giant chess! After all, you need more than one person to toss a frisbee, play Spikeball or chess, right?



3. Attend drop-ins again!

After two months of maintenance, the SRC gymnasiums are now open again for drop-in team sports, like badminton, volleyball, and basketball. Best of all, they’re FREE for students! Like Moves on MacInnes, you can borrow birdies, racquets, and balls at the SRC front desk if you lend a piece of ID. Check the drop-in schedule here to see when you can swing by before, between, or after classes with your friends!



4. Take advantage of the student fitness membership!

Need a gym buddy for accountability or want to try a new fitness class? For only $40 per term for UBC students, you and your friends can gain access to both fitness centres on-campus (ARC and BirdCoop), plus unlimited access to group fitness classes! Unsure about committing to a membership? Attend Free Week! Free Week occurs at the beginning of every semester, in which you get to sample a variety of group fitness classes offered by UBC Recreation!



5. Follow this partner workout by the Move U Crew

With a buddy, watch Abishek and Chelsea from the Move U Crew show you partner exercises to work up a sweat and some smiles together!

We hope to see you and your pals take advantage of all that UBC Recreation has to offer! Stay moving, UBC.