TSC Sailing: T-Birds in Hawaii!

Peter Wenner Rainbow Invite | Honolulu, HI | January 14 – 15, 2023

Submitted by Nicole Eastman, UBC TSC Sailing Marketing & Communications Executive

Returning slightly more tan than when they left, nine UBC sailors made the journey to Hawaii last week to compete at the Peter Wenner Memorial Rainbow Invite Regatta hosted by the University of Hawaii. As one of two Canadian schools racing, they competed against schools from all over America. The field included teams from Arizona, California, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia.


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This wasn’t the first time UBC was represented at the Peter Wenner invite. Back in 2019, UBC sent 10 sailors down to make the trip to Hawaii. For the last 3 years, they have been limited by travel restrictions due to COVID-19 and can now return to the big regatta.

All sailors gathered together for a photo during race weekend. Photo Credit: Michael Horn, Tradewinds HD

From great weather and good wind on the second day to some incredible competitors it was all in all a great regatta, with our sailors getting opportunities to learn from top Americans and having a ton of fun in the process.

Sailors Angela Ying and Jamie Kim on race day. Photo Credit: Michael Horn, TradewindsHD


For more on how they fared against the American schools, check out the race results here!

They look to build off this ahead of Match Racing Nationals on February 23rd and 26th, where university sailing programs from around Canada will converge upon West Vancouver Yacht Club for the Canadian Intercollegiate Sailing Association (CICSA) Match Racing Title.


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