UBC’s Faculty & Staff Sports Day is only two days away, so to make sure everyone has the best possible time, we’ve got some key reminders and updates:
Activity Overviews & Rules
A full rundown of this year’s activities is now available! This includes detailed maps of each activity area and the rules for each station. Use this information to help plan out your day!
Course Map & Event Schedule
Familiarize yourself with where to check-in on the event day along with when your team should arrive. This year’s start and finish area are now on MacInnes Family Field and we’ve brought back the beer garden as part of the Apres festivities!
Event Day Walkthrough & FAQs
In case you still have a few questions about the event, take a read through the walkthrough guide. If there’s something we haven’t answered, send an email to our team at sports.day@ubc.ca.