Back to School Summer Activities with UBC Recreation

As we head into the summer term, here are some ways to stay active in these first few weeks!

Promotional Booth @ MacInnes Field

May 17, 2023 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Come stop by and visit our promo booth! We will be providing information on all our spring/summer activities and handing out free promo goods!


Free Week

May 23 – 29, 2023

Join us at Free Week – a week when you can try out a variety of fitness programs and activities for FREE! Open to UBC Students, UBC Staff & Faculty, and the public. No experience is required for any of the classes and all abilities are welcome!


UBC Student Fitness Memberships

ARC, BirdCoop, and Group Fitness

For only $45, UBC Students get unlimited access to all Group Fitness Classes and the ARC & BirdCoop Fitness Centres from May 1 – August 31, 2023.


Extended Softball Registration

New Wednesday Night Softball League

Due to high demand for the Thunderbird Adult Softball League, we have expanded our offering to include a Wednesday night league! Registration for the Wednesday night league closes Monday, May 22.


Wellbeing Walks

Free 45-minute walk around campus

Hosted by the UBC Move U Crew | Register now

  • Wreck Beach Walk | May 17, 2023 @ 12:00 PM
  • Greenheart Tree Walk | May 31, 2023 @ 12:00 PM


Drop-In Programs

Free for UBC Students!

UBC Students get FREE access to drop-in sports, including regular sessions of volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, and more!

Beat the summer heat at the skating rink! UBC Students get FREE access to drop-in public skating at the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre!

Stay cool in the pool this summer! UBC Students get FREE access to drop-in swimming and Aqua Fitness Classes at the UBC Aquatic Centre!

Sign out FREE sport equipment from the SRC to use on MacInnes Field! Borrow jump ropes, ultimate discs, spikeball kits, soccer balls & nets, kan jam, and more!