Summer Camp 2025 Info and Reminders

Summer 2025:

Summer Camp offerings will be available on January 23, 2025 at 1:00pm, and registration will open on February 4, 2025 at 1:00pm.

Common Camp Registration Questions:

How do I create my new UBC Recreation Login?
Our new software is cloud-based and integrated with UBC’s Campus Wide Login (CWL) technology. In order to register for UBC Camps, parents/guardians must first create their account online and activate any affiliations to receive discounted pricing.

How do I receive my UNA/CSC/UTown discount?
To receive this 10% discount, parents/guardians must email a photo of each family members valid UNA, CSC, or Utown card to Once verified, your child will be eligible for discounted pricing for one year from the date of validation. Children must possess their own card and are not eligible for a discount under their parent/guardian’s card.

How do I receive my Staff/Faculty/Student discount?
In order to receive a faculty/staff/student discount of 5%, you must first sign into your CWL-affiliated UBC Recreation Account and add your child(ren). Once added, complete our faculty/staff/student verification form. Once your status is verified, your child(ren) will be eligible for faculty/staff/student pricing for one year from the date of validation – at which point you’ll need to submit the form again.

Why is my child’s age not correct even though their birthday has been entered correctly?
Our registration software calculates age as of Dec 31 of the current year, which means that if your child’s birthday is after the start date of a camp they will show as being too old for the program. If this is the case, please contact us by phone at 604-822-1540 to complete the registration by phone. Make sure you are at your computer and ready to register online when you call us – we will temporarily remove the age requirement on the program so you can sign up.

How can I withdrawal or change the camps my child is registered for?
If you are looking to make any changes to your registrations you can process these online by signing into your UBC Recreation Account and following the steps outlined in our video tutorial or our Online Features step-by-step guide (page 11). Note that our withdrawal / program changes policy will apply to both online and in-person or over the phone inquiries.

I didn’t receive, or need a copy of, my receipts or registration confirmations. How can I access these?
You can access receipts, registration confirmations, and view your camp or program schedule by logging into your UBC Recreation Account and following the steps outlined in our Online Features step-by-step guide (page 7). Be sure to select “All” under the “Invoice Status” filter on the left side of the screen.

View Spring Break Camps

View Summer Camps