Jan 23 | Transit Alert & Affected Programs

Header image showing UBC's south sport facilities

Last updated January 23 @ 11:00AM

Due to strike action, all bus and SeaBus service has shut down across Metro Vancouver. The strike, which began Monday, January 22, is expected to last at least 48 hours. During this time, UBC Recreation and its facilities will operate as as scheduled or, in some cases, with reduced programming on Tuesday, January 23. Please note that only registered lessons and programs listed below are cancelled; all other programs are scheduled to run.

Please note that a variety of drop-in sports and activities remain available. We encourage patrons to explore alternative opportunities to stay active during this period:

Lessons & Program Cancellations for Jan 23

Facilities Status for Jan 23

Please check this page and emails for updates about a specific program prior to your visit. Stay connected by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads.