The online roster submission portal for registered Sports Day teams is now open. Captains of teams already registered as of April 3 should expect to receive an email within the next 2 business days with further instruction on how to submit a roster and complete waivers for your teammates. Newly registered teams should expect to receive an email with these instructions within 5 business days.
in to UBC Recreation Using CWL
In preparation of submitting a team roster, team captains should ask each of their teammates to login to the UBC Recreation system using their CWL. If this is the first time someone has logged in to UBC Rec’s system using their CWL, it may take up to 24 hours before they can be added to a roster.
Roster Submission
Team captains must submit their team’s roster online using the unique information shared in the email by the roster deadline (April 30 at 5:00pm). To complete this process, captains will need to have the following information for all team members:
- UBC employee number
- Email address
Once team members are added, they will receive an email with a link to sign the online waiver.
Waiver Submission
Each team member must sign a waiver before participating. This is especially important for late additions to a team’s roster.
Please ensure all team members have signed the online waiver by the roster deadline ( April 30 at 5:00pm) as this will ensure a quicker sign-in process. Each team member will need to use their CWL to sign in to their UBC Recreation login.