Registration Process

Set Up Your UBC Recreation Login

To ensure a smooth registration process, set up your online login ahead of time!


  • Find your camp(s).
  • Follow the “Register” link to our secure online registration portal. If registering for multiple camps at the same time add them to your cart by searching their course ID.
  • Follow the prompts to complete your registration (and online consent form if applicable).

In Person

  • Visit UBC Camps Headquarters from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
  • In-person payments can be made by Visa, Debit, Mastercard, or cash.

    UBC Camps Headquarters

    3065 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC

Consent Forms

We strongly recommend consent forms be completed prior to the first day of camp.


When you complete registration online, your consent form will be completed at the time of registration. When registering in person, you will be asked to sign and complete your camp-specific consent form.

Any additional or third party consent forms will be sent to you in your pre-camp e-mail and should be brought with you on your first day of camp, OR a scanned copy of the third party form(s) can be emailed to or dropped off in-person.

Please note that UBC Camps no longer accepts registration by fax or mail.


When you complete your registration online for these camps, you will need to fill out a separate third party consent form. Third party consent forms can be found on our website, and a scanned copy of the form(s) emailed to or dropped off in-person.

If you registered for an Adventures Abound, Adventure Add-on, or select Enrichment camps there will be additional third party consent forms. These additional consent forms will be sent in your pre-camp e-mail.

Authorized Sign-Out

The authorized pick up name(s) you provide at the time of registration are the only individuals who will be able to pick up your camper at the end of each day. Ensuring your list of authorized pick up name(s) is accurate prior to the start of camp will ensure a smooth sign-out process each day.

Anyone picking up a camper must be 16 years of age or older, and all authorized pick-up people (including the camper’s own parent/guardian) must present photo ID at the time of pick-up.

Exceptionalities & Behaviour

UBC Camps works hard to provide an inclusive and accommodating camp experience. Let us know how we can best support your child by filling out the online Exceptionalities & Behaviour Form, located here.

Medical Information & Allergies

At the time of registration, please notify us of any medical conditions or allergies, especially if your child carries an epi-pen or inhaler. Only medication that is prescribed by a physician, or is necessary to support an exceptionality, is allowed at camp. Please fill out our Medications Form located here.