Leadership – Business Mindset

Program provided in partnership with Future-ready Minds™

This is a great program for young leaders who want to develop valuable entrepreneurial skills like brainstorming, market research, financial planning, brand /marketing and practice their critical thinking skills by designing, testing, and pitching their innovative business ideas in a “Shark Tank” style presentation. Through hands-on lessons, activities, and games, children will work on developing the key 21st -century skills of creativity, collaboration & calmness in our ever-changing world.
Required Equipment: Nut-free snacks and lunch, personal pencil case (with basic writing supplies such as pencils, erasers, ruler, sharpener, a few markers and crayons), and a book they are enjoying reading for downtime during the day. We also recommend you send an electronic device with your child in order for them to research their topics and design their presentations. If your child does not have access to an electronic device to use outside of the home, please allow them some time to complete their pending research and project work at home. 

Location Details: Please note there are multiple off-campus location options for this camp.

Consent Form:
Future-ready Minds™ Consent
Please email a completed copy to info@futurereadyminds.com or bring a hard copy on the first day of camp.

Available Sessions

Code Course Age Date Course Day(s) Time Location Fee  
00162665 Business Mindset (Hellenic Community Centre) 9-11 yrs Jul 7-Jul 11 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM Hellenic Community Centre - 4500 Arbutus St. $495.00 Register
00162661 Business Mindset (Cloverdale United Church) 9-11 yrs Jul 14-Jul 18 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM Cloverdale United Church - 17575 58A Ave $495.00 Register
00162656 Business Mindset (Crofton House School) 9-11 yrs Jul 14-Jul 18 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM Crofton House School - 3200 W 41st Ave $495.00 Register
00162664 Business Mindset (Cloverdale United Church) 9-11 yrs Jul 28-Aug 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM Cloverdale United Church - 17575 58A Ave $495.00 Register
00162663 Business Mindset (Crofton House School) 9-11 yrs Jul 28-Aug 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM Crofton House School - 3200 W 41st Ave $495.00 Register
00162650 Business Mindset (Cloverdale United Church) 9-11 yrs Aug 18-Aug 22 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM Cloverdale United Church - 17575 58A Ave $495.00 Register
00162505 Business Mindset (Hellenic Community Centre) 9-11 yrs Aug 18-Aug 22 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-4:00PM Hellenic Community Centre - 4500 Arbutus St. $495.00 Register