Rowing – Fast Track Camp

The Rowing Fast Track Camp is a one week, coaching intensive immersion into the sport. Rowing is a late entry sport, making it perfect for those who have a background in athletics, and are looking to take on their next challenge! It involves a strong amount of physical ability, being focused and keen to learn a new movement pattern, and rewards those who want to challenge themselves. Rowing also is an amazing cross training activity, that can support athletes in other sport endeavors. Rowing is geared towards taller, strong athletes, who can leverage their body to drive the hull through the water. There are few feelings as raw as pushing a boat through the water, and feeling it run out underneath you. This is the camp you have to do this summer!

Note: This is a physically and mentally demanding camp. It is strongly recommended that participants can lift 50lbs minimum, and understand that rowing is well suited for taller athletes, with a long wingspan, and strong work ethic. This camp is geared towards individuals with an athletic background.

Required Equipment: Water bottle in a zip lock bag, weather appropriate athletic wear, running shoes.

Location Details: This program will meet at the South Gate Entrance of the facility each day. Participants will meet coach, and then head down to begin camp. 

Consent Form: UBC Camps Rowing Consent
A digital copy of the consent form is completed during online registration. In-person or over the phone registration requires a paper copy be submitted prior to the first day of camp.

Available Sessions

Code Course Age Date Course Day(s) Time Location Fee  
00160874 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Jun 30-Jul 4 Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $315.40 Register
00160875 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Jul 7-Jul 11 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $394.25 Register
00160877 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Jul 14-Jul 18 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $394.25 Register
00160878 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Jul 21-Jul 25 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $394.25 Register
00160879 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Jul 28-Aug 1 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $394.25 Register
00163013 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Aug 5-Aug 8 Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $315.40 Register
00163015 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Aug 11-Aug 15 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $394.25 Register
00163016 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Aug 18-Aug 22 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $394.25 Register
00163017 Rowing - Fast Track Camp 13-18 yrs Aug 25-Aug 29 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 12:00PM-4:00PM John M.S. Lecky UBC Boathouse $394.25 Register