Performance – Co-ed Skill Development

This co-ed program is designed for players looking to improve their skills and knowledge of the game to better prepare them for future volleyball programs and tryouts. Athletes with experience levels are welcome. Time will be spent introducing and reinforcing basic skills, with opportunities to apply skills gained in small sided games and 6v6 game play. 

Led by the UBC Men's Volleyball coaching staff, the camps are further supported by current and former varsity players.

Players will be divided into groups and courts based on age, and the curriculum will be adjusted accordingly.

Consent Form: UBC Camps Volleyball Consent
A digital copy of the consent form is completed during online registration. In-person or over the phone registration requires a paper copy be submitted prior to the first day of camp.

Available Sessions

Code Course Age Date Course Day(s) Time Location Fee  
00159514 Skill Development Co-ed - Morning 12-18 yrs Aug 11-Aug 15 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00AM-12:00PM UBC Student Recreation Centre $250.00 Register
00165034 Skill Development Co-ed - Afternoon 12-18 yrs Aug 11-Aug 15 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 1:00PM-4:00PM UBC Student Recreation Centre $250.00 Register