By UBC Recreation on January 9, 2023
Attend the Free Agent Meeting on Thursday, January 12 @6:00-8:00PM, for an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals looking to form a team. Prior to attending the Free Agent Meeting, please review what leagues will be available at the meeting.
Posted in Cross Volleyball, Free Agent, Handley Cup Soccer, Intramurals, Intramurals Slider, Leagues, Nitobe Basketball, Point Grey Football, Roundnet, SRC Futsal, Todd Ice Hockey, UBC REC Dodgeball, Ultimate League
By Srivats Ramaswamy on December 7, 2022
Thank you to all participants that came in on a weekly basis for a kickabout. Here are the winners and Allstars for Futsal. Open Tier 1 Winners: Millionarios FC Allstars: Francisco Elsava (Millionarios) and Christopher Honey (Just Drink Water) Open Tier 2 Winners: Glizzy Gladiators Allstars: Jeremiah Chung (Glizzy Gladiators) and Harshit Abichandani (Tea Busquets) […]
Posted in SRC Futsal
By Srivats Ramaswamy on November 15, 2022
Team Captains: Check your emails to view the schedule for information on your league’s playoff schedule
Posted in Cross Volleyball, Handley Cup Soccer, Leagues, Nitobe Basketball, Point Grey Football, Roundnet, SRC Futsal, Todd Ice Hockey, UBC REC Dodgeball, Ultimate League
By UBC Recreation on October 26, 2022
With all the wild fun that Gladiator is, we always have a theme that brings the event to another level of excitement and entertainment. Check out this blog for this year’s Gladiator theme reveal!
Posted in Adaptive-Sports, Best of Intramural Leagues, Cross Volleyball, Escape Room, Events, Gladiator, Gutterball Bowling, Handley Cup Soccer, Howl at the Moon, Intramural Event Highlights, Intramurals, Intramurals Slider, Leagues, Nitobe Basketball, On the Button Curling Bonspiel, Point Grey Football, Roundnet, SRC Futsal, Storm the Wall, The Point Blog, Todd Ice Hockey, UBC REC Dodgeball, Ultimate League
By UBC Recreation on August 14, 2019
Intramural Leagues are a great way to meet new people, keep in touch with your friends each week, and connect with your different campus communities!
Posted in Best of Intramural Leagues, Cross Volleyball, Handley Cup Soccer, Intramurals, Leagues, Nitobe Basketball, Point Grey Football, SRC Futsal, The Point Blog, Todd Ice Hockey, UBC REC Dodgeball, Ultimate League