Move U Crew Stories

Credit: UBC Recreation / Kirsten Call

“Moves with the Move U Crew” Podcast: Sensing our Surroundings

Ready for a fantastic episode that’s like a breath of fresh air? We’ve got two fantastic stretches lined up to help you re-centre when life gets a bit overwhelming. Join us as we explore moments to connect with your surroundings

“Moves with the Move U Crew” Podcast: Transit Stretching

“Moves with the Move U Crew” Podcast: Transit Stretching


Your transportation is about to get a transformation! Welcome to our 6-minute Transit Stretching podcast episode, led by Move U Crew team member Puti.

In this episode, we unveil the potential to make your everyday commute more than just …

A Love Letter to Move UBC

A Love Letter to Move UBC


Valentine’s Day also happens to coincide with Move UBC, which is UBC’s month-long physical activity campaign that takes place every February on both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. In honour of this day of love, I wanted to

Wear You Active Wear to WIN!

Wear You Active Wear to WIN!

Join us for the Move UBC Challenge! Every Wednesday in February, wear your activewear for a chance to WIN a:

How to Participate

Any UBC student, staff, or faculty member are encouraged to participate!

Follow these steps to be automatically …

Credit: UBC Recreation / Kirsten Call

“Moves with the Move U Crew” Podcast: The Pre-Performance Routine

Make this podcast episode your new pre-performance routine for any test, sporting event, presentation, or performance!

Pre-Performance Routines, also known as PPRs, are a series of routine affirmations and actions that athletes often systematically use before competing in …

Why Move UBC is for U!

Why Move UBC is for U!

Get Ready for Move UBC 2024!

Move UBC is a university-wide, month-long initiative that takes place every February. It aims to increase physical activity and motivate people to explore different ways to stay active! Small changes can add up to …

Credit: UBC Recreation / Kirsten Call

“Moves with the Move U Crew” Podcast: Rolling into Self-Compassion


Are you looking to become more mindful and are wondering where to even get started? If that’s the case, this podcast episode is just the right place for you. This month on “Moves with the Move U Crew” features

Meet the 2023/2024 Move U Crew!

Meet the 2023/2024 Move U Crew!

Ever spot some students repping a teal green uniform around campus? Have you wondered who they are? Well, they’re the Move U Crew! The Move U Crew is a group of student leaders that promote movement in accessible, fun,

Credit: UBC Recreation / Kirsten Call

“Moves with the Move U Crew” Podcast: Mid-day Mood Boost


Feeling a little low and in need of a mid-day mood boost? If so, you’ve come to the right podcast!

Whether you’re grappling with midterm stress or just having one of those off days, movement can be a powerful …

Credit: UBC Recreation / Kirsten Call

“Moves with the Move U Crew” Podcast: Finger Stretches


The Moves with the Move U Crew podcast is back for another season! Move U Crew team lead Chelsea kicks off this season with a 7-minute episode to take care of your fingers during midterm season.

With over 30