SRC Facility Rules and Etiquette
- Bicycles are not permitted in SRC public spaces. No rollerblading or skateboarding is permitted inside the SRC.
- Recreational activity is restricted to designated activity areas. The hallways are not designated activity areas.
- Photography and filming are not permitted within the facility without express written permission from UBC Athletics & Recreation management.
- Cell phones and camera use are not permitted inside the change rooms.
- Food and drink is prohibited in activity areas including the gymnasiums, the studio, and the dojo. Water is permitted, but only when contained in a plastic container with a secured lid. Any group wanting to use the studio for organized activities must book in advance with the UBC Recreation Facility Coordinator. Organized groups will be deemed any group of 5 or more people.
- Each participant and facility user assumes total responsibility for any lost or stolen property. Valuables should not be brought into the facility. Lockers are available for personal belongings although security cannot be guaranteed as locker thefts do occur.
- Proper footwear must be worn at all times in the designated activity areas. In the studio and gymnasiums, only clean, non-marking, closed-toe rubber soled shoes are allowed. There are to be no shoes worn in the dojo at any time.
- Access to the Dojo is restricted to registered members of the approved and supervised classes. There is no open drop-in access to the dojo.
Drop-In Sports & Activities
We want to make sure you have the safest and best experience possible and have certain rules in place. Everyone accessing drop-in must sign in to obtain a wristband – you can obtain this by presenting your UBC Student, UBC Staff/Faculty, or paying the drop-in fee at the operations desk.
Drop-In at the Student Recreation Centre is free of charge for UBC students and UBC Staff/Faculty with a valid physical UBC ID card. For all others, it drop-in fee must be paid for access.
- All visitors must sign-in at the SRC front desk and receive a wristband before using the activity rooms.
- Table tennis can be played at any time that a scheduled class is not taking place in the studio.
Drop In Capacities & Activity Rules
Any group wanting to use the studio for organized activities must book in advance with the UBC Recreation Facility Coordinator. Organized groups will be deemed as any group of 5 or more people.
Any organized group of 5 or more people will be required to book the space through the UBC Recreation Facility Coordinator and will not be permitted to use the drop-in time in the studio. Bookings require advanced notice.
Policies and capacities for drop in sports occurring in the SRC gymnasiums are as follows:
- - Maximum: 32 players per gym
- - Only doubles play during busy times
- - Games played to a maximum of 15 minutes
- - All 4 players come off the court after 15 minute limit
- - Players must be present at the court when it is vacated or they may forfeit their spot to others
- - Maximum: 30 people per gym
- - Games must be kept to a maximum of 15 minutes
- - Winners of each game can keep playing up to 3 consecutive wins
- - Players must be present at the court when it is vacated or they may forfeit their spot to others
- - Maximum: 24 people per gym
- - Winners of each game can keep playing up to 3 consecutive wins
- - Games are played for up to 15 minutes
- - Maximum: 20 people per gym
- - Games are played up to 5 minutes maximum or until one team goes ahead by 2 goals
- - The winning team stays on the court for the next game
- - If the game is tied after 5 minutes, both teams leave the court
Drop-in Futsal Lottery Details
- 60 people per session and each session has a different coloured/patterned wristband. Failure to wear the supplied wristband will result in removal from the courts, and the spot being filled by another participant if there are more than 60 people wanting to participate.
- 3 Draws – 4:55pm, 6:55pm and 8:55pm. The first session is from 5pm – 6:45pm, the second session is from 7pm – 8:45pm and the last session is from 9pm-10:45pm.
- Cards are taken 45 minutes before each session – cards are accepted until the draw times (4:55pm, 6:55pm, 8:55pm), however is there is a large number of participants, the draw may be carried out earlier to facilitate the extra time needed to conduct the draw. Once the Operations Staff have exited the desk to begin the draw, cards turned in after are not allowed into the draw and will be called at the end, provided there are spaces. All cards are placed into a bag and drawn if required.
- Play again cards are collected before the end of each session (6:40pm and 8:40pm), and a separate draw is held in Gym 1 if there are available spaces 5 minutes before the non-play again draw time. However, play again cards have lower priority than those who haven’t played in the prior game times, so if the draw is already past the maximum capacity of 60, there will be no play again spots available.
- Anyone unable to get into a session from the main draw, not the play again draw, has the option of being guaranteed to play in the next session (drawn out at 4:55 cannot guarantee playing at 8:55, only 6:55), however the guarantee does not carry over to the following week in regards to being drawn out of the final draw session.
- Maximum: 50 people per sessions
- Form teams of 8-11
- 1 Innings per team (an innings ends when each batter is out or after the limit on overs is reached)
- 6 overs per innings (teams must switch bowlers after each over)
- 6 balls (or throws or deliveries) per over
- The winning team stays on the court
- If the game is tied after 2 innings, both teams leave the court
- Games must be kept to a maximum of 30 minutes
Drop-In Sports Rules and Regulations
- UBC Recreation reserves the right to refuse service based on violation of drop-in procedures, inappropriate conduct or failing to follow the directions of the SRC Building Supervisor or any UBC Recreation staff member.
- All UBC students may use the gymnasiums and studio during drop-in times, but must present their valid UBC Student Card and sign in each time they arrive.
- No food or drink in the gyms (other than plastic water bottles)
- All participants/spectators must sign-in at the Operations desk and wear a wristband at all times.
- All users must show a valid UBC Student Card, UBC Staff Card, UNA Card, or pay the appropriate drop-in fee.
- Any violators of the wristband policy will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Repeat offenders may be banned from the facility and referred to the Supplementary Discipline System for further sanctioning.
- All courts must be vacated 15 minutes prior to scheduled end time in order for staff to change over activity.
- During peak evenings (ie. futsal), a draw will be performed prior to the start of the activity to determine which participants will be granted access. All others will be put on a waitlist, which will guarantee them access the following week. Please see “Futsal Drop-in Lottery Details” below.
- At all other times, it is first come, first served.
- Drop-in times are not intended to be for intramural team practices and as such, teams should refrain from showing up intending to use the gym for practice time.
- Equipment is available for rent from the SRC Front Desk with valid government photo ID (exception – we will not take passports). If the equipment is damaged or not returned in the same condition, replacement fees will apply.
- Anyone perceived to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be refused entry.
- Operations Staff have the right to limit the number of participants at any given time if they deem the courts too crowded or unsafe.