Skill level or progression
Programs designed for specific levels of skill or providing progression through different stages should have this reflected in the name. These should be consistent within a programming area and terms commonly used to describe a different skill level should not be combined in a program name: Examples of terms used for different levels are listed below:
Beginner programming |
Intermediate programming |
Advanced programming |
- Beginner
- Basics
- Fundamentals
- Intro to
- Advanced
- Performance
- All-Star
Youth program progression |
Adult program progression |
- Swimming – Level 01
- Swimming – Level 02
- Swimming – Level 03
- Adult Swimming – Level 100
- Adult Swimming – Level 200
- Adult Swimming – Level 300
Whenever possible, please use the industry standard conventions for your sport/program names. Please include this industry information in your request.
Terms to avoid using in program names
Thunderbirds (or variations such as Junior Thunderbirds, Thunder, etc.)
These names are in use to establish affiliations with specific program streams, sport clubs, or the varsity athletics programs. An effort should be made to only use these as part of program names when it will be more representative of with the relationship to varsity athletics (ie. Coached by varsity athletes/coaches), TSC, or youth performance teams.
High Performance
“High Performance” should only be used to identify non-camp programs that are focused on performance athlete development. These programs should include specific coaching that will help an athlete with performance specific objectives.
NOTE: The term “performance” is widely used with camps programming to name activities focused on more experienced or higher-calibre athletes and are not coached by varsity coaches/athletes.
“Camps” is term being used to broadly describe day or weeklong programming for youth. In general, these types of programs will be listed under headings or page titles that already indicate that they are “camps” so it is redundant to include in the name.
Programs with a similar format should use the term “clinic” or include “condensed” as part of the program name.
Only include “UBC” in program names if:
- It is the name of a third party or partner (ie. UBC Ropes Course) or
- The program has a significant standalone community marketing or participation (ie. UBC Triathlon)