Storm the Wall Captains’ Reminders

Storm the Wall team captains – thank you for registering a team for this year’s event. Be on the lookout for an email update from our team with important details about the next steps as well as information about next week’s Safety Clinic and Wall Practice sessions. We’ve clipped some of the important bits here in case you need a reminder of what to expect.

Mandatory Safety Clinic

All teams are required to register for a Pre-Race Clinic. This clinic is designed to teach you how to safely navigate the wall and provide an opportunity to practice doing so. Attendance at the clinic is mandatory, and failure to participate will render your team ineligible to race.

Clinics will be held from Monday, March 17 to Friday, March 21, and take place in the Nest Performance Theatre located on floor 2 of the AMS Nest. It is mandatory that one team member attends the clinic presentation.

Wall Practice

After the clinic presentation, it is highly recommended you go to the wall to practice. If you have 4 or more of your team members present, you may go down to the wall and practice. If you have less than 4 members you can head to the wall and we will do our best to combine you with another team to practice.

Do not forget that all team members attending wall practice need to bring their physical student ID in order to check in. If you do not bring your ID, you cannot participate in practice and will need to schedule a make-up session (if available).

Roster Submission Deadline: March 19

Team Captains are responsible for submitting and updating a team’s roster online. Please make sure to adhere to the roster rules specific to your race type when submitting your roster information:

  • Roster Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 19 at 5:00 PM.
  • Roster Composition: Each team can have up to eight members on the roster, with only five eligible to compete in the race. The additional three members serve as substitutes in case of unforeseen circumstances. For Iron Person and Ultra Iron Person races, ensure to add yourself and your wall person. For Iron Legends, add only yourself.
  • Required Information: You will need the student numbers and emails of your teammates when adding them to the roster. Please double-check all information for accuracy. Once added, teammates will receive an email with a link to sign the online waiver.
  • Roster Rules:
    • *Open Teams: Any mix of genders on a team
    • *Women (Trans Women Welcome) Teams: Only those who self-identify as trans and cis women, who are are comfortable in a space that centres the experience of women.
    • *Mixed Teams: A maximum of 2 self-identifying men to complete swim, sprint, bike, and run. The wall person may be of any gender identity.
    • *Iron People: One person competes in the appropriate race category (Open Ironperson vs Women (Trans Women Welcome) Ironperson)
    • Just for Fun: Any mix of genders on a team refer to race category rules on the website.

*If you have not met the roster requirements by Wednesday, March 19, your team will not be eligible to advance on race weekend.

Exceptionalities & Accommodation

We aspire to include everyone in our programs and to provide an inclusive recreation experience for all. Please share this link with your teammates who may have information to share with us that can help us to provide them with a positive experience.