
The Great Escape

The Great Escape

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League Feature of the Week: UBC Hummingbirds

League Feature of the Week: UBC Hummingbirds

Our team of the week is the UBC Hummingbirds!

The UBC Hummingbirds, named because they are like the UBC Thunderbirds, just smaller! They are a Co-rec Tier 1 team playing in the SRC Futsal League.

How did they meet?

Become an Intramurals Champion in 6 Easy Steps

Become an Intramurals Champion in 6 Easy Steps

So you want to be an intramural champion? Good.

Intramural Leagues are a great way to meet new people, keep in touch with your friends each week, and connect with your different campus communities! There are many leagues, and different …

The Furry Friends of Storm the Wall 2019

The Furry Friends of Storm the Wall 2019

The first day of Storm the Wall has come to an end! Community teams led the way and kicked off the event with true panache. But after a long day of running, biking, swimming, and climbing, sometimes we need some …

What is Storm the Wall?

What is Storm the Wall?

Embrace the Spirit

Embrace Tradition

This year is the 41st anniversary of Storm the Wall which was created by Nestor Korchinsky, the former Director of Intramural Sports. Korchinsky believed that the soul of a university was the combination of a …

Photo Cred: Reed Eaglesham

Gutterball Bowling

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Latest Gutterball Bowling News

Event Details | UBC Triathlon Duathlon

Event Details | UBC Triathlon Duathlon

Have Further Questions?

If you have any further questions please feel free to email or phone at 604-822-9052

Volunteers Needed!

We’re always looking for volunteers to help make this event a success! You’ll have a blast with our staff, …

Youth Triathletes | UBC TriDu

Youth Triathletes | UBC TriDu

Youth Triathletes

at the UBC Triathlon Duathlon – March 8, 2025

UBC Triathlon Duathlon is a race for triathletes of all ages! Swim in the competition tank of the award winning UBC Aquatic Centre, then bike and run through UBC’s …

First Time Triathletes | UBC TriDu

First Time Triathletes | UBC TriDu

First Time Triathlete Package

Our First Time Triathlete (FTT) experience, the only program of its kind in Canada, is a great choice for anyone taking part in their first ever triathlon. Included in the FTT package is: race entry …

Storm the Wall

Storm the Wall